Karolis Ažukaitis

Gydytojas vaikų nefrologas

2014 m. baigė Vilniaus universiteto (VU) Medicinos fakulteto medicinos studijas, 2019 m. – vaikų nefrologijos rezidentūrą (VU MF). Nuo 2019 m. dirba asistentu ir mokslo darbuotoju VU Medicinos fakulteto Vaikų ligų klinikoje, 2021 metais apgynė medicinos mokslų disertaciją į įgijo mokslų daktaro laipsnį.

Profesinio domėjimosi sritys: lėtinė inkstų liga, vaikų arterinė hipertenzija, širdies ir kraujagyslių sistemos pažeidimas vaikams, sergantiems lėtine inkstų liga, trombotinės mikroangiopatijos (hemolizinis ureminis sindromas) ir inkstų pažeidimas po kraujodaros kamieninių ląstelių transplantacijos, į pacientą orientuota sveikatos priežiūra pediatrijoje.

Stažavosi Gaslinio institute (Genuja, Italija), taip pat San Paulo (Brazilija) Samaritano ligoninėje bei San Paulo universiteto klinikose, kur mokėsi mažų vaikų inkstų transplantacijos ir hemodializės ypatumų, taip pat stažavosi Sidnėjaus universiteto Inkstų mokslinių tyrimų centre (Australija).

Nuo 2014 m.  dalyvauja didžiausio Europoje vaikų inkstų ligų mokslinių tyrimų konsorciumo (ESCAPE Consortium; Heidelbergo universitetas, Vokietija) veikloje, yra atsakingas už 4C tyrimo, kurio metu tiriama širdies-kraujagyslių sistemos pažeidimo eiga vaikams, sergantiems lėtine inkstų liga, koordinavimą. Taip pat yra SONG tarptautinio tyrimo, skirto suvienodinti klinikiniuose tyrimuose tiriamas pacientų, sergančių inkstų ligomis, išeitis visame pasaulyje, koordinacinio komiteto narys. Nuo 2020 metų dalyvauja Europos vaikų arterinės hipertenzijos tinklo (HyperChildNET) veikloje, dirba širdies ir kraujagyslių pažeidimo sergant arterine hipertenzija vaikystėje darbo grupėje.

Aktyviai dalyvauja Europos retų inkstų ligų referencijos tinklo veikloje, yra šio tinklo sklaidos koordinatorius, Vaikų ligoninės Vaikų retų inkstų ligų ir urogenitalinės sistemos formavimosi ydų kompetencijos centro administratorius.

Yra 30 tarptautinių publikacijų autorius ar bendraautoris. Apdovanotas VU Medicinos fakulteto Sophie Valentina Ambroza 2017 metų mokslo premija. 2019 metais buvo apdovanotas Vilniaus universiteto rektoriaus mokslo premija.

Yra Europos ir Lietuvos vaikų nefrologų draugijų narys, reguliariai skaito pranešimus įvairiose tarptautinėse ir Lietuvos konferencijose.


  1. Carter SA, Lightstone L, Cattran D, Tong A, Bagga A, Barbour SJ, Barratt J, Boletis J, Caster DJ, Coppo R, Fervenza FC, Floege J, Hladunewich MA, Hogan JJ, Kitching AR, Lafayette RA, Malvar A, Radhakrishnan J, Rovin BH, Scholes-Robertson N, Trimarchi H, Zhang H, Anumudu S, Cho Y, Gutman T, O’Lone E, Viecelli AK, Au E, Azukaitis K, Baumgart A, Bernier-Jean A, Dunn L, Howell M, Ju A, Logeman C, Nataatmadja M, Sautenet B, Sharma A, Craig JC on behalf of the SONG-GD Workshop Investigators. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, priimta spaudai 2021 lapkričio 2 d.
  2. Carter SA, Teng C, Gutman T, Logeman C, Cattran D, Lightstone L, Bagga A, Barbour SJ, Barratt J, Boletis J, Caster DJ, Coppo R, Fervenza FC, Floege J, Hladunewich M, Hogan JJ, Kitching AR, Lafayette RA, Malvar A, Radhakrishnan J, Rovin BH, Scholes-Robertson N, Trimarchi H, Zhang H, Azukaitis K, Cho Y, Viecelli AK, Dunn L, Harris D, Johnson DW, Kerr PG, Laboi P, Ryan J, Shen JI, Ruiz L, Wang AYM, Lee AHK, Shun SFK, Tong MKH, Teixeira-Pinto A, Wilkie M, Alexander SI, Craig JC, Martin A, Tong A (2021) A focus group study of self-management in patients with glomerular disease, Kidney Int Rep. Publikuota internete 2021 spalio 29. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ekir.2021.10.011
  3. Obrycki Ł, Sarnecki J, Lichosik M, Sopińska M, Placzyńska M, Stańczyk M, Mirecka J, Wasilewska A, Michalski M, Lewandowska W, Dereziński T, Pac M, Szwarc N, Annusewicz K, Rekuta V, Ažukaitis K, Čekuolis A, Wierzbicka-Rucińska A, Jankauskiene A, Kalicki B, Jobs K, Tkaczyk M, Feber J, Litwin M (2021) Kidney length normative values in children aged 0-19 years – a multicenter study. Pediatr Nephrol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00467-021-05303-5
  4. Fischer D-C, Smith C, De Zan F, Bacchetta J, Bakkaloglu SA, Agbas A, Anarat A, Aoun B, Askiti V, Azukaitis K, Bayazit A, Bulut IK, Canpolat N, Borzych-Dużałka D, Duzova A, Habbig S, Krid S, Licht C, Litwin M, Obrycki L, Paglialonga F, Rahn A, Ranchin B, Samaille C, Shenoy M, Sinha MD, Spasojevic B, Stefanidis CJ, Vidal E, Yilmaz A, Fischbach M, Schaefer F, Schmitt CP, Shroff R (2021) Hemodiafiltration Is Associated With Reduced Inflammation and Increased Bone Formation Compared With Conventional Hemodialysis in Children: The HDF, Hearts and Heights (3H) Study. Kidney Int Rep 6:2358–2370 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ekir.2021.06.025
  5. De Zan F, Smith C, Duzova A, Bayazit A, Stefanidis CJ, Askiti V, Azukaitis K, Canpolat N, Agbas A, Anarat A, Aoun B, Bakkaloglu SA, Borzych-Dużałka D, Bulut IK, Habbig S, Krid S, Licht C, Litwin M, Obrycki L, Paglialonga F, Ranchin B, Samaille C, Shenoy M, Sinha MD, Spasojevic B, Yilmaz A, Fischbach M, Schmitt CP, Schaefer F, Vidal E, Shroff R (2021) Hemodiafiltration maintains a sustained improvement in blood pressure compared to conventional hemodialysis in children-the HDF, heart and height (3H) study. Pediatr Nephrol 36:2393–2403 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s00467-021-04930-2
  6. Schön A, Leifheit-Nestler M, Deppe J, Fischer D-C, Bayazit AK, Obrycki L, Canpolat N, Bulut IK, Azukaitis K, Yilmaz A, Mir S, Yalcinkaya F, Soylemezoglu O, Melk A, Stangl GI, Behnisch R, Shroff R, Bacchetta J, Querfeld U, Schaefer F, Haffner D, 4C and Study Consortium and the ESPN CKD-MBD Working Group (2020) Active vitamin D is cardioprotective in experimental uraemia but not in children with CKD Stages 3-5. Nephrol Dial Transplant. https://doi.org/10.1093/ndt/gfaa227
  7. Azukaitis K, Jankauskiene A, Schaefer F, Shroff R (2020) Pathophysiology and consequences of arterial stiffness in children with chronic kidney disease. Pediatr Nephrol. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00467-020-04732-y
  8. Hanson CS, Craig JC, Logeman C, Sinha A, Dart A, Eddy AA, Guha C, Gipson DS, Bockenhauer D, Yap H-K, Groothoff J, Zappitelli M, Webb NJA, Alexander SI, Furth SL, Samuel S, Neu A, Viecelli AK, Ju A, Sharma A, Au EH, Desmond H, Shen JI, Manera KE, Azukaitis K, Dunn L, Carter SA, Gutman T, Cho Y, Walker A, Francis A, Sanchez-Kazi C, Kausman J, Pearl M, Benador N, Sahney S, Tong A, SONG-Kids consensus workshops investigators (2020) Establishing core outcome domains in pediatric kidney disease: report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology-Children and Adolescents (SONG-KIDS) consensus workshops. Kidney Int 98:553–565 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.kint.2020.05.054
  9. van den Belt SM, Heerspink HJL, Kirchner M, Gracchi V, Thurn-Valsassina D, Bayazit AK, Niemirska A, Canpolat N, Kaplan Bulut I, Azukaitis K, Duzova A, Bacchetta J, Shroff R, Paripovic D, Özçakar ZB, Fidan K, Erdogan H, Gellermann J, Wühl E, de Zeeuw D, Melk A, Querfeld U, Schaefer F (2020) Discontinuation of RAAS Inhibition in Children with Advanced CKD. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 15:625–632 . https://doi.org/10.2215/CJN.09750819
  10. Carter SA, Gutman T, Logeman C, Cattran D, Lightstone L, Bagga A, Barbour SJ, Barratt J, Boletis J, Caster D, Coppo R, Fervenza FC, Floege J, Hladunewich M, Hogan JJ, Kitching AR, Lafayette RA, Malvar A, Radhakrishnan J, Rovin BH, Scholes-Robertson N, Trimarchi H, Zhang H, Azukaitis K, Cho Y, Viecelli AK, Dunn L, Harris D, Johnson DW, Kerr PG, Laboi P, Ryan J, Shen JI, Ruiz L, Wang AY-M, Lee AHK, Fung S, Tong MK-H, Teixeira-Pinto A, Wilkie M, Alexander SI, Craig JC, Tong A, SONG-GD Investigators (2020) Identifying Outcomes Important to Patients with Glomerular Disease and Their Caregivers. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 15:673–684 . https://doi.org/10.2215/CJN.13101019
  11. Snauwaert E, Van Biesen W, Raes A, Glorieux G, Vande Walle J, Roels S, Vanholder R, Askiti V, Azukaitis K, Bayazit A, Canpolat N, Fischbach M, Saoussen K, Litwin M, Obrycki L, Paglialonga F, Ranchin B, Samaille C, Schaefer F, Schmitt CP, Spasojevic B, Stefanidis CJ, Shroff R, Eloot S (2020) Haemodiafiltration does not lower protein-bound uraemic toxin levels compared with haemodialysis in a paediatric population. Nephrol Dial Transplant 35:648–656 . https://doi.org/10.1093/ndt/gfz132
  12. Azukaitis K, Schaefer F (2020) Targeting Tubulointerstitium to Predict Kidney Outcomes in Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome. Kidney Int Rep 5:383–385 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ekir.2020.01.005
  13. Holle J, Kirchner M, Okun J, Bayazit AK, Obrycki L, Canpolat N, Bulut IK, Azukaitis K, Duzova A, Ranchin B, Shroff R, Candan C, Oh J, Klaus G, Lugani F, Gimpel C, Büscher R, Yilmaz A, Baskin E, Erdogan H, Zaloszyc A, Özcelik G, Drozdz D, Jankauskiene A, Nobili F, Melk A, Querfeld U, Schaefer F, 4C Study Consortium (2020) Serum indoxyl sulfate concentrations associate with progression of chronic kidney disease in children. PLoS One 15:e0240446 . https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0240446
  14. Daraskevicius J, Azukaitis K, Dziugeviciute-Tupko J, Peciulyte M, Planciunaite R, Vaitkeviciene G, Rascon J, Jankauskiene A (2020) Phenotypes and Baseline Risk Factors of Acute Kidney Injury in Children After Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. Front Pediatr 8:499 . https://doi.org/10.3389/fped.2020.00499
  15. Holle J, Querfeld U, Kirchner M, Anninos A, Okun J, Thurn-Valsassina D, Bayazit A, Niemirska A, Canpolat N, Bulut IK, Duzova A, Anarat A, Shroff R, Bilginer Y, Caliskan S, Candan C, Harambat J, Özcakar ZB, Soylemezoglu O, Tschumi S, Habbig S, Yilmaz E, Balat A, Zurowska A, Cakar N, Kranz B, Ertan P, Melk A, Azukaitis K, Schaefer F (2019) Indoxyl sulfate associates with cardiovascular phenotype in children with chronic kidney disease. Pediatr Nephrol 34:2571–2582 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s00467-019-04331-6
  16. Düzova A, Karabay Bayazit A, Canpolat N, Niemirska A, Kaplan Bulut I, Azukaitis K, Karagoz T, Oguz B, Erdem S, Anarat A, Ranchin B, Shroff R, Djukic M, Harambat J, Yilmaz A, Yildiz N, Ozcakar B, Büscher A, Lugani F, Wygoda S, Tschumi S, Zaloszyc A, Jankauskiene A, Laube G, Galiano M, Kirchner M, Querfeld U, Melk A, Schaefer F, Wühl E, 4C Study Consortium (2019) Isolated nocturnal and isolated daytime hypertension associate with altered cardiovascular morphology and function in children with chronic kidney disease: findings from the Cardiovascular Comorbidity in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease study. J Hypertens 37:2247–2255 . https://doi.org/10.1097/HJH.0000000000002160
  17. Doyon A, Haas P, Erdem S, Ranchin B, Kassai B, Mencarelli F, Lugani F, Harambat J, Matteucci MC, Chinali M, Habbig S, Zaloszyc A, Testa S, Vidal E, Gimpel C, Azukaitis K, Kovacevic A, Querfeld U, Schaefer F (2019) Impaired Systolic and Diastolic Left Ventricular Function in Children with Chronic Kidney Disease – Results from the 4C Study. Sci Rep 9:11462 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-46653-3
  18. Azukaitis K, Ju W, Kirchner M, Nair V, Smith M, Fang Z, Thurn-Valsassina D, Bayazit A, Niemirska A, Canpolat N, Bulut IK, Yalcinkaya F, Paripovic D, Harambat J, Cakar N, Alpay H, Lugani F, Mencarelli F, Civilibal M, Erdogan H, Gellermann J, Vidal E, Tabel Y, Gimpel C, Ertan P, Yavascan O, Melk A, Querfeld U, Wühl E, Kretzler M, Schaefer F, 4C Study, ESCAPE Trial Group (2019) Low levels of urinary epidermal growth factor predict chronic kidney disease progression in children. Kidney Int 96:214–221 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.kint.2019.01.035
  19. Snauwaert E, Holvoet E, Van Biesen W, Raes A, Glorieux G, Vande Walle J, Roels S, Vanholder R, Askiti V, Azukaitis K, Bayazit A, Canpolat N, Fischbach M, Godefroid N, Krid S, Litwin M, Obrycki L, Paglialonga F, Ranchin B, Samaille C, Schaefer F, Schmitt CP, Spasojevic B, Stefanidis CJ, Van Dyck M, Van Hoeck K, Collard L, Eloot S, Shroff R (2019) Uremic Toxin Concentrations are Related to Residual Kidney Function in the Pediatric Hemodialysis Population. Toxins (Basel) 11: . https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins11040235
  20. Shroff R, Smith C, Ranchin B, Bayazit AK, Stefanidis CJ, Askiti V, Azukaitis K, Canpolat N, Ağbaş A, Aitkenhead H, Anarat A, Aoun B, Aofolaju D, Bakkaloglu SA, Bhowruth D, Borzych-Dużałka D, Bulut IK, Büscher R, Deanfield J, Dempster C, Duzova A, Habbig S, Hayes W, Hegde S, Krid S, Licht C, Litwin M, Mayes M, Mir S, Nemec R, Obrycki L, Paglialonga F, Picca S, Samaille C, Shenoy M, Sinha MD, Spasojevic B, Stronach L, Vidal E, Vondrák K, Yilmaz A, Zaloszyc A, Fischbach M, Schmitt CP, Schaefer F (2019) Effects of Hemodiafiltration versus Conventional Hemodialysis in Children with ESKD: The HDF, Heart and Height Study. J Am Soc Nephrol 30:678–691 . https://doi.org/10.1681/ASN.2018100990
  21. Lerch C, Shroff R, Wan M, Rees L, Aitkenhead H, Kaplan Bulut I, Thurn D, Karabay Bayazit A, Niemirska A, Canpolat N, Duzova A, Azukaitis K, Yilmaz E, Yalcinkaya F, Harambat J, Kiyak A, Alpay H, Habbig S, Zaloszyc A, Soylemezoglu O, Candan C, Rosales A, Melk A, Querfeld U, Leifheit-Nestler M, Sander A, Schaefer F, Haffner D, 4C study consortium, ESPN CKD-MBD working group (2018) Effects of nutritional vitamin D supplementation on markers of bone and mineral metabolism in children with chronic kidney disease. Nephrol Dial Transplant 33:2208–2217 . https://doi.org/10.1093/ndt/gfy012
  22. Shroff R, Bayazit A, Stefanidis CJ, Askiti V, Azukaitis K, Canpolat N, Agbas A, Anarat A, Aoun B, Bakkaloglu S, Bhowruth D, Borzych-Dużałka D, Bulut IK, Büscher R, Dempster C, Duzova A, Habbig S, Hayes W, Hegde S, Krid S, Licht C, Litwin M, Mayes M, Mir S, Nemec R, Obrycki L, Paglialonga F, Picca S, Ranchin B, Samaille C, Shenoy M, Sinha M, Smith C, Spasojevic B, Vidal E, Vondrák K, Yilmaz A, Zaloszyc A, Fischbach M, Schaefer F, Schmitt CP (2018) Effect of haemodiafiltration vs conventional haemodialysis on growth and cardiovascular outcomes in children – the HDF, heart and height (3H) study. BMC Nephrol 19:199 . https://doi.org/10.1186/s12882-018-0998-y
  23. Schmidt BMW, Sugianto RI, Thurn D, Azukaitis K, Bayazit AK, Canpolat N, Eroglu AG, Caliskan S, Doyon A, Duzova A, Karagoz T, Anarat A, Deveci M, Mir S, Ranchin B, Shroff R, Baskin E, Litwin M, Özcakar ZB, Büscher R, Soylemezoglu O, Dusek J, Kemper MJ, Matteucci MC, Habbig S, Laube G, Wühl E, Querfeld U, Sander A, Schaefer F, Melk A, 4C Study Consortium (2018) Early Effects of Renal Replacement Therapy on Cardiovascular Comorbidity in Children With End-Stage Kidney Disease: Findings From the 4C-T Study. Transplantation 102:484–492 . https://doi.org/10.1097/TP.0000000000001948
  24. Harambat J, Kunzmann K, Azukaitis K, Bayazit AK, Canpolat N, Doyon A, Duzova A, Niemirska A, Sözeri B, Thurn-Valsassina D, Anarat A, Bessenay L, Candan C, Peco-Antic A, Yilmaz A, Tschumi S, Testa S, Jankauskiene A, Erdogan H, Rosales A, Alpay H, Lugani F, Arbeiter K, Mencarelli F, Kiyak A, Dönmez O, Drozdz D, Melk A, Querfeld U, Schaefer F, 4C Study Consortium (2017) Metabolic acidosis is common and associates with disease progression in children with chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int 92:1507–1514 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.kint.2017.05.006
  25. Azukaitis K, Simkova E, Majid MA, Galiano M, Benz K, Amann K, Bockmeyer C, Gajjar R, Meyers KE, Cheong HI, Lange-Sperandio B, Jungraithmayr T, Frémeaux-Bacchi V, Bergmann C, Bereczki C, Miklaszewska M, Csuka D, Prohászka Z, Killen P, Gipson P, Sampson MG, Lemaire M, Schaefer F (2017) The Phenotypic Spectrum of Nephropathies Associated with Mutations in Diacylglycerol Kinase ε. J Am Soc Nephrol 28:3066–3075 . https://doi.org/10.1681/ASN.2017010031
  26. Schaefer F, Doyon A, Azukaitis K, Bayazit A, Canpolat N, Duzova A, Niemirska A, Sözeri B, Thurn D, Anarat A, Ranchin B, Litwin M, Caliskan S, Candan C, Baskin E, Yilmaz E, Mir S, Kirchner M, Sander A, Haffner D, Melk A, Wühl E, Shroff R, Querfeld U, 4C Study Consortium (2017) Cardiovascular Phenotypes in Children with CKD: The 4C Study. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 12:19–28 . https://doi.org/10.2215/CJN.01090216
  27. Taylan C, Schlune A, Meissner T, Ažukaitis K, Udink Ten Cate FEA, Weber LT (2016) Disease control via intensified lipoprotein apheresis in three siblings with familial hypercholesterolemia. J Clin Lipidol 10:1303–1310 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacl.2016.08.006
  28. Doyon A, Schmiedchen B, Sander A, Bayazit A, Duzova A, Canpolat N, Thurn D, Azukaitis K, Anarat A, Bacchetta J, Mir S, Shroff R, Yilmaz E, Candan C, Kemper M, Fischbach M, Cortina G, Klaus G, Wuttke M, Köttgen A, Melk A, Querfeld U, Schaefer F, 4C Study Consortium (2016) Genetic, Environmental, and Disease-Associated Correlates of Vitamin D Status in Children with CKD. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 11:1145–1153 . https://doi.org/10.2215/CJN.10210915
  29. Ažukaitis K, Loirat C, Malina M, Adomaitienė I, Jankauskienė A (2014) Macrovascular involvement in a child with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. Pediatr Nephrol 29:1273–1277 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s00467-013-2713-3
  30. Jankauskienė A, Azukaitis K (2013) Congenital unilateral facial nerve palsy as an unusual presentation of BOR syndrome. Eur J Pediatr 172:273–275 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s00431-012-1795-4

Informacija atnaujinta 2022 01 19